Have you ever had a dream that was so lovely, yet shook you to your core foundation? I had one of those last night. It involved people I haven’t spent any significant time with for several years and frankly I would be mortified if they knew about it. They opened up a business that had nothing to do with how I knew them but they seemed rather suited for it. I know that it all seems rather vague but it was sort of ridiculous. I don’t know. I am still trying to process it and what it means. It was lovely though.
Work has gotten tolerable finally. I’m not sure if it is because I am standing up for myself a bit more in life or if other people are realizing I’m not the devil because I work for the competition and that I don’t care who their best friends are. I am just here to do my job. I don’t like my job anymore than they do but I do it well. In some circles around here that makes me a bitch. Now ask me if I care.
Halloween was fun this year. Went out to Hobbs Grove with Jeremy and got our scare for the year. I have to say it was very well done this year. It just keeps getting better and better as time progresses. Cant wait to see what they come up with. Spent the actual night of Halloween going from Mom and Dad’s to Mema and Papa Jim’s to Laura and Jasons. It was a fun night.
Really hoping to focus some serious time on my writing this month. I say that every month and it hasn’t happened yet but a girl can dream cant she?
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