Well that isnt entirely true. Alot has happened. I had surgery. Gastric bypass to be exact. Ive lost more than 40 pounds and havent been this skinny since probably my sophmore year in high school. I need to do more but there it is. The job hunt is going ok. Im waiting to hear back about a possible interview. Hopefully it will pan out. If I get it I will be doing something I have enjoyed and havent gotten to do for some time. Of course it will likely mean givng up working at Expos for the foreseeable future which is a total bummer but if I am getting more money it will be worth it.
Spring is in the air here and I am feeling quite contemplative about my life lately. There is so much I want to do now that I have more energy to do it. Maybe a writing class? Maybe some campaign work? Maybe dive into finally clearing out these damned closets? I still dont have a PROPER scrapbook room which is a bummer. I managed to work on it for a while Friday evening but havent gotten to do much since. Id liek to finish it before it is too blasted hot to work in here.
What is new in YOUR world?